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How often do you use the site? *

What days of the week do you typically use the site (choose as many as you want)? *

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How would you rate the current Members Area in terms of providing you with the tools you need as an FPL manager? *

Are there any tools that you would you like to see in the Members Area that aren't there right now?

Do you have any other suggestions for how FFScout could improve its offering to Members?

How would you rate the following article types? *
Dislike Indifferent/don't read them Like Love
Team news round-ups
Scout Notes
Captain Sensible
Team reveals
Other Pro Pundit articles (eg Zophar's Q&A, Simon March's articles) outside of team reveals
Scout Squad
Scout Picks
The Watchlist
Frisking the Fixtures
Spot the Differential

Team news round-ups

Scout Notes

Captain Sensible

Team reveals

Other Pro Pundit articles (eg Zophar's Q&A, Simon March's articles) outside of team reveals

Scout Squad

Scout Picks

The Watchlist

Frisking the Fixtures

Spot the Differential

Are there any other article types you'd like to see us do in future, whether that be new ideas or the resurrection of old FFScout articles?

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Aside from any FFScout, do you currently spend money on any other Fantasy Football services/advice? *

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Is there anything you've seen on other websites/platforms that you'd like to see housed on FFScout?

Do you have any other feedback/suggestions that you would like to give to FFScout that you feel has not been captured elsewhere on this survey?